Every effort has been made to provide accurate information on this site. However, there are times where our sources change their information. The websites of the companies we represent are the ultimate source of accurate information.
Your Second Half Life is a website for Ken Christensen, LLC.
Kenneth Christensen is a Pennsylvania licensed property, casualty, life and health agent, and is contracted with multiple carriers to better serve you.
Kenneth Christensen does not hold any securities licenses, and any information shared relating to your financial situation is for educational purposes only. Any reference to a specific security or strategy are for illustration purposes only and are not a recommendation to buy or sell any security or engage in any strategy without fully understanding the risks and strategies for minimizing that risk.
We value your trust, and will do everything in our power to continue earning that trust year in and year out.
The One Thing!
We believe in the power of the one thing. Finding the one thing, and then working at it until it is done is the challenge. Doing this by yourself is even harder. That’s why we coach. How much of a difference has knowing what you should do made? That’s where we come in. We hold you accountable to your plans. We encourage you. We look for ways we can help you find that one thing. Don’t try achieve your best results without a third party perspective that we provide!
The Best Compliment
The best compliment you can provide if we’ve helped you with your planning, is sharing our information with your friends. We promise to follow the same process with them as we have with you!
Have them call 717.833.4045
E-mail Ken@YourSecondHalf.Life
I Love Helping People
At the end of the day, people don’t care how much you know, until they know how much you care. A successful day for us starts with helping at least one person, and that one person could be you.
Where did Your Second Half Life come from?
Glad you asked. For many of us as we get older we begin to think about what we want to do with the years we hope to have left–the second half of your life. And there are things we wish we’d done differently. While it is true that the best time to plant a tree is 10 years ago, the next best time is now! If you haven’t reached the Second Half of Your Life, that’s the best time to start “planting trees.” If you’re already there, we need to make sure we are planting the right kind of trees. Either way, schedule a time to talk today!
What Are You Waiting For?
I don't have the time right now.
Many of the decisions we need to make about the future are easier to make early on. By answering a number of questions prior to our meeting, I’ll be as efficient as possible with our time together. Our process actually helps you find time by focusing on the things that really matter each day. When the results of that process make many of the other things we fill our time with easier or unnecessary, we suddenly discover we have more time to do the things that truly matter, like spending time with our families without the distraction of work.
I'm not sure what I'll be able to afford.
Anticipating what life will be like once your paycheck is replaced by retirement income can be a challenge. That’s why we look at all of your options and tailor a plan that fits your budget, and provides as many of the things you’re looking for as possible. It is also why we stand ready to help you get out of debt and stay that way for the rest of your life. Building this model, and then teaching your children the same thing means you’ll leave a legacy that will be remembered for generations. Is an investment in your future and your legacy worth it?
Why should I trust you?
- You shouldn’t! At least not without doing your own homework. Your Second Half Life isn’t for everyone. If you are satisfied with the way your life is shaping up, and have everything figured out, that’s great. You don’t need us. On the other hand, if you realize that it is impossible to have thought of everything, and you’re looking for a creative outside the box thinker, you’ve come to the right place. We’ll build a team of advisors that will do the most important thing of all. PROTECT THE ASSET.
- Ken Christensen, LLC and the Your Second Half Life brand are connected. We spend a great deal of time learning from the experience of others in books. Yet, that’s not enough. All of that is worthless for you and for us, if we don’t take action. With the benefit of time, and our own experiences, we’ve learned first hand from our experiences–good and bad. We can guarantee you that you’re going to have your own experiences, and likely make your own mistakes. Ultimately, we learn most deeply from experiences. The trick is to learn the proper lessons. We’re going to collaborate with you to define the systems that make the “machine” work, and then continue to tweak it as time goes on. We are about the process, not the destination. Arriving at a destination represents the end. Enjoying the journey right up to the end, and then effectively passing the baton to the next generation is our passion. That comes from seeing it done for three generations in my family, and then watching it crumble. For years I blamed the previous generations. Yet they were only doing what they knew. Now I know better, and still I find it hard to put those systems in place in my own life. Ultimately, we each need to learn how to be accountable to ourselves. I’m thrilled you’ve read this far, but that’s only the start. Taking action is what produces results.
In the end the trust we want to build isn’t with us alone. It’s your entire family for generations to come. That’s what caused the problems in our family business. We trusted the wrong things. We forced family members into the business when their heart wasn’t in it. We didn’t figure out how to adapt to a changing environment because we didn’t know why the systems once worked.
Your trust in us will come from the questions we ask, that lead you to implement and refine systems. So don’t trust us, trust the process. And then pass the principles of the process on from generation to generation.
- In the event that you have a scenario I don’t know how to help you with, I know where to turn. A baseball team with a pitcher in trouble turns to their bullpen. My bullpen includes seasoned coaches and agents who stand ready to help.
What is the asset?
- In the early part of your life, you are the asset.
- Later in life the things you own that produce income are your assets.
- Finally, as you near the end of your life, it becomes the legacy you leave behind.
How do I protect the asset?
- In the early part of your life, when you are the asset, we protect your income by using life insurance.
- Later in life the things you own that produce income are your assets. Here, things get more challenging. In order for assets to produce income, we have to have systems in place. Those systems include a special type of insurance that allows it to become a part of your asset system.
- With the end of our lives in view, we come to understand the importance of communicating how to protect assets from generation to generation. That’s the legacy you want to create and pass on.
- Let’s get started!
Ok, I'm ready to go, what's next?
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