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Disclaimer: Ken Christensen is a licensed life, health, property and casualty insurance agent. You are consenting to receive periodic updates about a wide range of topics including insurance. All material provided is for educational purposes only, and in no way should it be considered specific advice regarding your purchase of any securities or insurance.
About Me
Unless you’re familiar with Harrisburg, PA, you might look at the body of water behind me and think it was a lake instead of the lengthy Susquehanna River that makes its way from Upper New York State through Pennsylvania and ultimately to the Chesapeake Bay and the Atlantic Ocean.
What does this have to do with me?
Just like this river, our lives start somewhere. Mine started in New Jersey in the late 1960s. I was born into a family who owned a department store–think a single store version of Macy’s. I started working there when I was young doing anything my dad would let me do! By the time I went off to college, there wasn’t a job I hadn’t done. I certainly didn’t appreciate that education nearly as much as I should have, but that’s a story for another time.
The big brother I never had stayed at our house while he went to NJIT, and so I decided that’s where I wanted to go to college. I enjoyed many of the experiences there, but my ability to bridge the language barrier of most of my professors coupled with much more challenging course work got the better of me. My girlfriend, now my wife, convinced me that I should transfer to her college, and I went to work convincing my parents to let me.
I’m glad that worked out because I went from close to flunking out to graduating with a respectable albeit not the highest of GPAs!
Since graduating and getting married, I’ve experienced many mountains that have gotten in the way of the flow of my river. I used to view those mountains as obstacles getting in the way of my success, but now I realize they’re just the things God has placed in my life to get me where He’s wanted me all along. Just as the mighty Susquehanna makes its way from Upstate New York to the Atlantic, I can now see that playing out in my life. I don’t know exactly what’s on my route, do you? With proper planning though, I know where I’ll end up! How confident are you with your plan?
Helping you navigate the river of your life by identifying and even benefiting from your own mountains seems to be my calling! I’d love to get to know you, and if you’re a match, I’d love to help you. Connect today by joining our newsletter!
We are happy to refer you to some great professionals who are ready to take care of your Medicare needs. Just ask.
Insurance is our industry, from property & casualty, to life and heath, we’re ready to serve you. All insurance should be part of a comprehensive plan, especially as you near the second half of your life. Or, perhaps that’s where you find yourself now.
Allow the insurance professionals at Greystone Insurance help you prepare to leave a legacy as we seek to leave a legacy of service.